While sharing stories can be an empowering experience, we want to ensure that personal safety and mental health are a top priority in our mission. We have compiled a list of UVA affiliated and non-affiliated resources that can be used by participants as needed.
uva affliateD
LGBTQ Center
The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Questioning (LGBTQ) Center aids in fostering the "development of LGBTQ+ students, faculty, staff, alumni, and allies" at the University of Virginia.
Visit their webpage to learn more.
Multicultural Student Center (MSC)
The Multiculural Student Center aims to "facilitate a student-centered, collaborative space that supports underrepresented and marginalized communities, while cultivating the holistic empowerment of all students."
Office of African American Affairs
The Office of African American Affairs (OAAA) seeks to "foster interest in African-American culture as a major force in a pluralistic society," by fostering relationships with University students, faculty and staff, as well as assisting the University in a number of student-related issues.
Project RISE is a peer counseling service through OAAA, that offers free, confidential services to UVA students.
Visit the OAAA website and Project Rise website for more information.
Counseling/Emotional Support
The Center of Clinical Psychology Services- Sheila C. Johnson Center
The Sheila C. Johnson Center offers therapy and psychological assessment services to UVA students and Charlottesville Community members.
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
CAPS is an On-Grounds psychological center that works to, "faciliate the emotional, relational, and academic development and success of enrolled stuents" through a number of services.
For information on how to make an appointment, visit the CAPS website .
HELP Line is a free, confidential telephone hotline serving Albemarle County and students of the University of Virginia
Visit their website or call (434)295-TALK .
Mary D. Ainsworth Psychological Clinic
The Mary D. Ainsworth Psychological Clinic is a free, confidential services facility sponsored by the Department of Psychology's Clinical Training Program.
The Maxine Platzer Lynn Women's Center
The Maxine Platzer Lynn Women's Center provides free, confidential support groups for UVA students, faculty, staff and Charlottesville community members.
ODOS Dean on Call
The Office of the Dean of Students (ODOS) works to "support student learning and interpersonal growth that creates engaged citizen leaders."
The Dean on Call program through ODOS provides 24-hour crisis management and incident response/follow-up services to UVA students.
Visit the ODOS website and Dean on Call webpage to learn more.
UVA Teen and Young Adult Health Clinic
The UVA Teen and Young Adult Health Clinic offers mental health treatment for individuals ages 12 to 26.
Visit their website to learn more.
Discrimination support
Just Report It
Just Report It is UVA's online system for reporting: Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment and Violence Bias and Discrimination/Harassment, Hazing, Clery Act Compliance (by CSAs), Interference with Speech Rights, Youth Protection, and Preventing and Addressing Threats or Acts of Violence.
Learn more on how to file a report on their website.
Office for Equal Opportunity & Civil Rights
The Office for Equal Opportunity & Civil Rights aims to address and prevent "discrimination, harassment, and retaliation in the workplace and educational environment, including educational programs and activities."
Learn more on how to file a complaint .
Non-Uva affiliated
Counseling/Emotional Support
Black Female Therapists
Black Female Therapists is a curated website that provides a way for individuals to easily identify and locate black, female-presenting therapists near them.
Find a Black Female Therapist on their website .
Black Male Therapists
Black Male Therapists is a curated website that provides a way for individuals to easily identify and locate black, male-presenting therapists near them.
Find a Black male Therapist on their website .
Crisis Text Line
The Crisis Text Line "serves anyone, in any type of crisis, providing access to free, 24/7 support and information via a medium people already use and trust: text."
Text HOME to 741741
National Suicide Hotline
The National Suicide Hotline "provides support for suicidal or emotionally distressed people via 24/7 phone hotline and online crisis chat."
Visit their website to access their chat or call 1(800) 273-TALK (8255).
Therapy for Black Girls
Therapy for Black Girls is a space was developed to present mental health topics in a way that feels more accessible and relevant. It offers an array of mental health support and access to services for Black women and girls.
Find a therapist near you.
Therapy for Black Men
Therapy for Black Men is a website created to provide support for black men and boy seeking mental health support. It aims to “help strip away the stigmatization associated with men of color regarding therapy in their communities at large.”
Find a therapist near you.